Coach counselor, Direct Care Staff, Case Manager.

Type of Business: Coach counselor, Direct Care Staff, Case Manager.
Type of Position Needed: Coach counselor, Direct Care Staff, Case Manager. || apply for this Internship Placement
State: NV
Requested Start Date: Immediately
Requested Duration: 18 months
Is Housing Provided? Yes
Job Position Details: Provider of Programs for at risk youuth The trainee will develop skills and knowledge in dealing with the at-risk youth popluation from our direct care positions trhough adminstrative roles. There will be heavy emphasis placed on the direct care function which will include skills and concepts in Positive Peer Culture and Cognitive Behavoir Therapy. Using these skills as a basis trainee will begine to explore our administrative and customer service functions. By the end of the training period, the trainee will develop a comprehensive understanding of the business as it relates to working with at-risk youth. The trainee will be exposed to the various laws that pertain to juvenilees in this setting.
You can also check the "Internship training in the USA" programme description which might answer most of your general questions and explain the application process
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Pre-requisite: Traineee must have a minimum of two years of education and /or experience in this field, and the program suitable to his or her background, needs, and experience. The participant must possess sufficient proficiency and comprehension in the English language. All trainees must be 21 years old and be able to pass a drug screening and criminal background check.

Global Choices. Contact information

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Tel: (+ 44) 208 533 2777 (UK)
Tel.: (+1) 646 929 4656 (USA)
Fax: (+ 44) 870 330 5955

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